Get Involved

DTS PiE offers many opportunities to get involved. The easiest way to get involved is to come to our monthly meetings. Below is a list of many of our volunteer roles. Further volunteer opportunities are highlighted in our monthly newsletter and classroom communications. Further, as a registered non-profit organization, we are always thankful for donations.

  • Volunteers are always needed and greatly appreciated.
  • Have an idea for a new fundraiser, event or program?  Let us know!
  • New to DTS? Volunteering for DTS PiE is a great way to meet people.  Many friendships have formed during PiE events.  We’d love to meet you!
Want to volunteer some of your time for PiE events? Fill out the Google Form and be notified of any upcoming PiE events in need of volunteers.
Here is a list of our Current PiE Committees. If there is one that you’d like to
get involved in, please reach out directly to the chairperson. PiE committees in need of a chairperson are highlighted in yellow. For more information or questions contact Debbie Lubitz at
DTS PiE Board – Board Members are elected annually in the Spring and serve as the executive oversight group of DTS PiE.

Homeroom Partners are classroom representatives, in grades PreK-5th, who assist teachers with classroom activities throughout the year such as:  scheduling readers and/or helpers, coordinating holiday celebrations, serving as the liaison between the classroom and the teacher. Representatives also help answer PiE event/program related questions and disseminate information.

DTS PiE Directory –  The DTS PiE Directory is published annually and includes names, classrooms, and contact information for students and their families.

Scholastic Book Fair – The Scholastic Book Fair, typically held in the Fall, provides a fund raising opportunity for our programs, as well as an opportunity to encourage reading in our community.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer with any of our programs, please email us at